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Best of both worlds

In one of my posts last year I mentioned that one can make automated comments to GitLab very easily with the right tooling - especially if they are coming from linting tools.

So any author, reviewer and maintainer gets easy feedback as fast as possible on any proposed changes.

This is super easy and very convenient when you're always doing a full build and every possible source in your project is actually checked.

Why do we need something new, if that's working so well...?

In the bitbake world that is different, we have powerful tools like sstate cache along other mechanisms to avoid exactly building everything from scratch all the time.

This makes it tricky to map findings from the meta-sca layer (which fully supports sstate caching) to a pull or merge request, as we never can be sure to have the full picture.

Moving from the outside, right into it

So it was very clear that the commenting part of a CI pipeline needed to be done with the help of bitbake too... et voila scabot was born.

This tool does comment on PRs (GitHub)/MRs (GitLab) on all the stuff found directly or indirectly linked to the changes done - always having the full picture of the impact of any single change - a maintainer's dream come true.

Give it a try

To see what the bot can do for you just give it a try and read the documentation.

Feedback is highly appreciated, so in case you found a bug, have a suggestion or even a currently unsupported SCM system, please feel free to reach out


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