In this post I'm telling my journey which started with my blog post about using Github Action as my main CI provider - in case you missed it see here - on how to do a full yocto/poky build with just ~14GB of disk space
Typically disk space is cheap nowadays and can be used without thinking too much about it - which leads to disk usage of 50GB and more for a yocto/poky build.
So what are the options, when disk space becomes precious?
I was curious about it and did some tests, unfortunately it turned out that using it requires more disk space as just using 'rm_work' - because each recipe will get their own download folder, which does imply that when downloads are shared between recipes (clang and llvm is an example for it) they are actually downloaded more than once, leading to more disk space usage.
I decided to stick with just using 'rm_work'
One of the biggest native tools in the workspace (besides glibc and the kernel) is actually qemu, which is used extensively throughout the build process.
Typically disk space is cheap nowadays and can be used without thinking too much about it - which leads to disk usage of 50GB and more for a yocto/poky build.
So what are the options, when disk space becomes precious?
Constraints, constraints, constraints
While Github Actions is free for open source project (like mine) it is highly limited in regards of resources.
Currently (2020/04/11) you get (source)
- 2-core CPU
- 7 GB of RAM memory
- 14 GB of SSD disk space
- maximum of 6 hours per pipeline
that's not very much when you think about doing a poky/yocto build on that, so every byte actually counts.
Constant pain
As the involved layer are constantly growing one has to care about every byte that could be saved, without giving up the overall aim of doing a from scratch build of yocto/poky.
Real big chunks on your HDD are
- intermediate files (like object files) created while building
- downloaded sources
- native tools (as they are not packaged like every other tools)
Lets start with the simple things
The rm_work class can be used.
- removes all intermediate file from a recipe workspace
- Is a huge disk space saver
- isn't really compatible if you're using testimage.bbclass to 'smoke' test your distribution
To use it insert
INHERIT += "rm_work"into your local.conf
This class does the same but also deletes all downloads of that recipe - actually comes with the downside that sources shared across multiple recipes being downloaded more than once.
To use it insert
INHERIT += "rm_work_and_downloads"into your local.conf.
I was curious about it and did some tests, unfortunately it turned out that using it requires more disk space as just using 'rm_work' - because each recipe will get their own download folder, which does imply that when downloads are shared between recipes (clang and llvm is an example for it) they are actually downloaded more than once, leading to more disk space usage.
I decided to stick with just using 'rm_work'
But this is still not enough
enabling (in my case rm_work) did a huge relief in regards of disk usage, but it wasn't enough to finish a build before running out of disk.
Disabling disk monitoring
By default bitbake monitors the available disk space left and automatically terminates the build if it falls below. As every byte is precious lets disable this behavior, which isn't useful when building in onetime VMs anyway
inserted into the local.conf did the trick - now one can build using ALL available disk space.
Shrinking the size of the downloads
As every download is stored to the local disk, shrinking these was an additional task I had to deal with.
Most of the downloads bitbake does in a typical build are clones of git repositories - as we all know that cloning a repository does not only include the current set of files (you are mainly interested in) but all history (and future) of the repo + all the change sets - which turns out to be quite heavy, especially for repositories with a lot of changes.
Most of the downloads bitbake does in a typical build are clones of git repositories - as we all know that cloning a repository does not only include the current set of files (you are mainly interested in) but all history (and future) of the repo + all the change sets - which turns out to be quite heavy, especially for repositories with a lot of changes.
Solution is called shallow clone - basically cloning only the requested revision, without history and all the change information.
Luckily poky does provide support for that out of the box, just add
BB_GIT_SHALLOW = "1"into the local.conf
Removing layer history
As the layers themselves are mostly git clones, removing the git history from them turns out to be a big disk space saver.
Before building just run in shell
rm -rf <layerdir>/.gitthe only downside is, that you may not sue some automatic versioning based on git-hashes in your software
Disabling non-essential features
In the default configuration of bitbake (the one you get by just running 'oe-init-build-env') some things are activated, which are normally useful, but do need some disk space, so lets disable them
sed -i "s/buildstats//g" conf/local.conffor instance, removes the automatic include of the 'buildstats' class.
echo 'PACKAGE_CLASSES = "package_rpm"' >> conf/local.confshould enforce usage of rpm-packages, which are much smaller than e.g. deb-packages
And still it isn't enough
As poky is using sstate caches for every successfully build component, you could easily delete all fragments from a component (except the sstate-cache) and in the following only the cache is used.
With this in mind I came up with the idea to split the actual build into 2 parts
Splitting the build
Phase 1
- build 'linux-yocto'
- remove all fragments not needed anymore afterwards
Phase 2
- build the image
as we can stop somewhere in the middle of the build process it is easy to remove things that aren't needed anymore (like logfile, downloads, a.s.o.).
I ended up with the following shell script blocks
source poky/oe-init-build-envfor the kernel part and afterwards just simply calling
eval $(bitbake busybox -e | grep "^TMPDIR")
eval $(bitbake busybox -e | grep "^DL_DIR")
bitbake linux-yocto
[ -n "${DL_DIR}" ] && rm -rf ${DL_DIR}/*
find ${TMPDIR} -type d -name "temp" -exec rm -rf {} \; || true
bitbake my-imagethat almost did it, just one more thing.
One of the biggest native tools in the workspace (besides glibc and the kernel) is actually qemu, which is used extensively throughout the build process.
Limiting qemu impact
Normally qemu is build for every possible architecture known to qemu, leading to a huge package.
Fortunately the qemu recipe offers a variable to specify the architectures build, so setting
Fortunately the qemu recipe offers a variable to specify the architectures build, so setting
QEMU_TARGETS = "arm aarch64 i386 x86_64"in the local.conf did the trick - since that point I'm able to do from scratch build of poky, meta-openembedded and my layer meta-sca with just ~14GB of disk space available.
Poky does offer some really interesting options to limit the usage of disk space, but on the outer edges sometimes it requires some tricks and brute force to make things work.
In an ideal world one could split the build even further lowering the required disk space even more - you only have to be sure in what order the components depend on each other.
In an ideal world one could split the build even further lowering the required disk space even more - you only have to be sure in what order the components depend on each other.
Update 2020/04/17
It happens to be, that I was forced to split the pipelines into 3 steps (glibc, kernel, rootfs) as the otherwise the disk usage limit was hit once again - in combination with the previously taken measures this is really a no-brainer...
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