It's been a while since I posted something in this blog - Been busy enhancing my layer for static-code-analysis over at GitHub - But I'm back to tell you something about the baddest error of them all: the typo. Over all projects I experienced in my professional life, there were always at least one time when a bug flew in about a typo in an error message or in some documentation file. Mostly release date was near, I had spend days and hours on testing the functionality behind it and all that it was keeping it to become part of the master/product was a single typo?!?! Why didn't tell some one me that earlier? Mostly a code review was involved in the process - Had nobody seen this? The short answer: No! Everybody is going blind after looking at code for a while. So how to become aware of a typo or a badly written document as early as possible? If you have been to this blog before, you may the answer: static code analysis! In the IDE I'm using for most of my ...